Near Record High Temps Possible Mid Week Around WNC

Spring Like Temps All Week Will Bring Bloom For Some Areas

Warm air from the coast will be pushed towards WNC all week as high pressure builds over the Atlantic. Temperatures on Wednesday could push close to the daily record high which is 77 degrees from 2018. Thursday could be even warmer! With Daffodils already in bloom for most location around WNC and tulips arriving, this will certainly not bode well for a long lasting Spring flower season. This is because the cold is sure to return…. Near the end of February things look to turn cold again, and a strong cold snap could really damage the Spring flower crop. Below ill explain.

European Model Projected Highs Wednesday Afternoon

Wednesday Projected Highs European Model Courtesy of

Wednesday To Be Top 5 Hottest February 22nd

Below you can see a chart I have pulled from the Southeast Regional Climate Center. This shows the current model average projected for Wednesday and where that would rank among the top 5 warmest February 22nd’s on record for Asheville, NC.

Courtesy of SERCC

Thursday Could Break Records As Well

Temperatures will likely climb past the high temps we see on Wednesday and really kick off an early Spring Thursday around WNC. It will be weather to sweat in as we get close to 80 on Thursday afternoon! Below check out the most recent Euro model and its projected high temps on Thursday. This would also come close if not break a record for Asheville.

Thursday high Temps Courtesy of

Cold To Return

As we near the end of February, the cold will certainly return! It appears as though we still have several hard freezes that will be possible so only plant those hardy veggies that can withstand a hard freeze. We can still go into single digits in March. See below the European Ensemble and its projected temps. Look at the consensus of over 70 degrees on Thursday! Then as we progress through the weekend next week the cold return. There will be another chance for wintry weather, we have about a month left to where accumulating snowfall events are possible around the Asheville area. They can happen after that, but typically it just falls as slop. Check back soon for more info on the record high temps next week for WNC!

Euro Ensemble Courtesy of